Friday, May 10, 2024

Research Task Seven : Independent Music Magazine Websites


In summary, The Wire's front cover and website work together to create a brand identity through digital convergenence between the front cover and its website, specifically the home page. The masthead is still at the top of the page in the exact same format and typography; the only difference is the colour. This creates consistency and a brand identity because you can see how the features and design are the same in both the magazine and website. 
The format and layout of the content is similar and separated by the same divider lines that are on the contents page which further shows the prensence of a brand identity. The layout is simple and clear which makes it easier for the audience to navigate around.
Hyperlinks are commonplace on a website which takes the audience to a secondary page where the content is primarily featured and it draws the reader into the website which then promotes more content to them. This is designed for the audience to extend their time spent in the website which increases the chances of them buying a copy of the magazine or purchasing a subscription. 

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