Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Planning Task Three: Masthead Design

 The first image uses Impact font for the masthead and Poplar Std for the strapline. 

The second image uses Romanica as the font for the masthead and Gill Sans MT Condensed for the strapline. 

The third image uses Roman Font 7 in the masthead and Gill Sans MT Condensed for the strapline. 

The fourth image uses Call of Ops Duty as the masthead and Orator Std as the strapline. 
The fifth image uses speedrace in the masthead and orator for the strapline.

The last images use Nortune font for the masthead and Vallite for the strapline.

In conclusion, I will use the first image of the Nortune font and Villate font because it is simple and easy to read for all but still has some edge and something different to it. The strapline font counteracts the boldness of the masthead and adds an element of humanity to the magazine because the font mimics handwriting. However, when it comes to production, the strapline will be smaller to ensure that it looks like a strapline.  This connotes to the audience that although the masthead is bold and eye catching, the content of the magazine is centred around people and music. 

Planning Task Three: Masthead Design

 The first image uses Impact font for the masthead and Poplar Std for the strapline.  The second image uses Romanica as the font for the mas...